Saturday, September 6, 2008

ER trip #4 for the year...

Yes, tis true. We spent yet another night in the ER with Max (first time for Max) on Thursday night, wondering if we should go and perform our own surgery on him because we had to wait so long. Let's back up a bit...

Max had told me earlier in the day that he had shoved a peanut up his nose while we were out running some errands. Why this little two year old shoves up anything in such a weird hole is beyond me, but this is not the first time he has put things up his nostrils and had them stuck. Anyway, I will admit that I somewhat disregarded it, due to the fact that he kept sneezing and had sneezed a part of it out, and I couldn't see a thing up there when I looked, and he didn't seem like he was in any discomfort.

Later that afternoon, he woke up from his nap, crying and screaming and telling me his nose hurt. That's when I knew we were in some trouble. Russ came home from work, I was finishing up dinner to rush off to an enrichment that I was participating in, and I told Russ that maybe he would want to take him to the quick care and have them look at it. Again, nothing could really be seen all that well...but I didn't want to ignore the fact that Max was going a little nuts. (oh, am I funny?!)

Five hours later, a trip to the quick care and then to the ER, and at least 15 attempts and a few doctors later, the peanut was dislodged from way up high, and Max was able to stop screaming at the top of his lungs at the "mean men" to stop. I will admit that he seemed mostly fine while waiting, but when the doctors came around to even look up his nose, all heck broke loose, and Max was once again ballistic. It was a little tramautic, both for Russ and I and poor Jackson, who wouldn't leave his brother's side. I hope we have learned our lesson this time, and hopefully we won't be putting things up weird holes, and for all those who think we have some sort of "punch card" at the ER, or are getting some sort of discount for being their Most Valued Customers...we still have to pay at least $100 per visit just like everyone else!


Allie and Noah said...

OMG....REALLY?!?!?! Hopefully after this one he wont put anything up his nose....Poor lil guy!!! I miss you guys:(Hard times for sure...


janet said...

You guys should buy a season pass or something...

no, really, that sucks. Just take the $100 out of his college fund. Hope he feels better and you guys get some rest!

And is it weird that I feel like I live SO FAR away from you because we can't walk to your house anymore? Wanna come over for dinner tomorrow?

Me said...

Maybe get a secondary insurance just for the boys?? One that pays the co-pay just for the ER. At least it isnt a tooth like I first thought from the picture.


Christina said...

Oh my heavens! Poor Max, poor YOU, poor pocket book!! Yikes. $100 a pop at the ER is steep, steep, steep! I am glad that the peanut is out, and little Max is recovering from the trauma! Give him loves from us!

Bryson said...

#2 Net, #2 :)

LOL! Max, Max! That's all I have to say :)
Oh and, THERE'S A PICTURE! Did you get a camera or what?

camille said...

ok, I have read all of your boy's ER stories and can I just say that you have me freaking out about having two boys now!!!!!

Marie Smith said...

Hey you non blogger. Glad your back in the blogging world. lol That is so funny. The ER trips suck but it is still pretty hilarious. kaden put a bean in his ear once and we couldn't get it out. We called the pediatrician who told us to get him in a soapy bath and wiggle his ear to pop it out. I thought it would never work, but luckily it did so no trip to the ER for us. Whew!!

The Bennetts said...

Your blog is just about my favorite one of all time. I always know I will be well entertained. Not that I don't feel bad, just that you have more "adventures" than anyone I know!

Lesa Hough said...

I wish I could say that this story surprised me :-) But it just fits Max. And I've heard a few other stories about little boys and sticking things up their noses. I'm just so sorry it happened to you.

Love ya.

Trenda said...

Wow! you guys have beent o the ER a lot! Hopefully this is the last for a long time! :)

Blayden Family said...

WOW girl, something to look forward to with Grant huh. You are a brave momma. Crazy style man, poor Max. Boys need extra insurance coverage.

Marie Smith said...

Oh my heck that is so funny. Way to go Max!! Kaden shoved a bean in his ear once. An uncooked one. I was freaking out, but the pediatrician had us get him in a soapy bath and wiggle his ear and the bean popped out. No ER trip for us. Whew!! We've only had one this year thankfully. Glad to have you back in the blogging world. Love ya Marie

Kevin and Eliza said...

I sure hope he learned his lesson. It just sounds painful. I'm glad they were able to get the peanut out.

Hibbard Family said...

They're gonna start knowing you on a first name basis at the hospital, seeing your car come pulling up and get your boys' charts out before you walk through the door! Whats with kids and sticking crap up their noses anyway?


Poor Max. I'm glad that he is okay. But that is scarey! We miss you guys and hope all is well with your cute family.

Horner Family said...

Poor Max, and poor Jackson and mom and dad who had to be with him through this. I loved the last few stories about Max! He is so sticking adorable! Oh, I miss my boys, aren't you supposed to come see me soon? Love you sis!