Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I think I'm blaming Emilee for this one!

This morning, I was getting the kids breakfast, trying to be goofy and make the boys laugh...until the joke was on me. I asked the boys a bunch of questions, followed up with "Who loves mommy the most?!" Dead silence. Nothing. No response, not a giggle, not a murmer. Nothing. And then Jackson busts out laughing, and cracks, "AWK-WARD!!"

I wondered where on earth he got the word even from, until I was on the phone with Emilee this afternoon, and she said it JUST the way that he did! So if this is what he took away from listening to the adults over the weekend, I'll take it! I love that he not only SAID this word, but DEFINITELY knew just HOW and WHEN to use it!


Kelly said...


The Simpson Family said...

This is funny! And here;s a little warning... it only gets worse.

Bryson said...


Lesa Hough said...

Good laugh on this one. So cute!