Friday, November 14, 2008

Gotta love our Max!

Yesterday at Target, the lady that was checking us out was a little bit "dfferent" looking. She had on VERY thick eye liner, that covered almost her entire eye, and then came out quite a bit on the sides. A little different, yes. But leave it to my 2 year old to say, as we are walking away..."Mom, her eyes are yucky." Enough said. Sorry to the lady if she heard. A 2 year old never lies.


Christina said...

Gotta love kids tellin' the truth! Max looks so grown up in that picture! Handsome boy.

Michelle and Andrew said...

i love that story! my beloved is so darling and he just tells it how it is!

emcghee said...

My little sister is 10 years younger than me and I remember once at church she said to this teenage boy (who was my friend!) "Why do you have the chicken pox?" He didn't, just really bad acne!

Mark Walker said...

Great story! Max and Jackson are the wonderful!