Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This is for you Dustin, Christina, and Trista too

A few weeks ago, Trista had posted one of these on her blog, and had tagged me, and I had forgotten to do it....now that my brother and sister-in-law have tagged me again, I will try and be as creative as I can....(these are things that are interesting or unique about me, I'm assuming?)
1. Neither Jackson or Max were planned pregnancies...as hard as that is to believe, since they were born 2 years and 4 days apart! We had been trying to get pregnant with Jackson for over a year, and it was just a shock when we actually did get pregnant...and Max was a complete SHOCKER period. We still aren't sure how he was actually conceived when he was, (I know, I know...but it's true...)but all I can say about that is....Heavenly Father knows more than we do about our families!! Kids sometimes come when they are supposed to, not when you think you want them to. :)
2. I finished my first half marathon last year in under 2 hours, and discovered that I really love to run....and still run a few days a week. It's a great high, and a great time to have some alone time with girlfriends!
3. I have been the primary president in our ward for almost a year, and learn something new about my calling every week, either from the children, my presidency, or just from serving! I can now appreciate the challenges and the rewards from it!
4. Russ and I love eating ice cream or treats in bed at night, when we've put the children to bed....I used to get grossed out and annoyed by it, until I joined in the fun. Now it's something I look forward to! (calories don't count at that time, when you're sharing them with your hubby!)
5. I'm terrified of bugs...namely, spiders, cockroaches, scorpions, and anything else that looks disgusting and is creepy-crawly. I have ruined Jackson, and he is also terrified of them too. (not my fault we had a roach and ant problem in our apartment when Jackson was born, and I was mortified even more because of it...) Sorry Jackson, you won't be anyone's "hero" for killing bugs...
6. My favorite time of the day with my kids is in the morning, fixing breakfast, and eating it with them. They are usually so happy and we always have fun discussions over breakfast.
7. Russ and I have taken up golfing again...or should I say I have taken up golf again. I hope Russ will continue to put up with me, and teach me more about the sport. We used to golf a few times a month before we had kids, and it was fun...but it kind of stopped the last few years. We also have other friends that like to golf with us...it's fun entertainment!
8. We have gone to Disneyland at least 10 times since living here in Vegas. I really don't know what the count is up to, but it is a fun short getaway for us as a family, and the boys LOVE it. It's a little ridiculous that the boys have been there more times than most people will ever think about in their lifetime, but secretly inside, I think Russ and I love it just as much as they do, because it takes us back to our own happy childhood memories from the magic of it all. My dad's favorite joke is to get on the phone and ask us if we're on our way to Disneyland for the day again...
9. This is kind of a random one, but most people weren't able to be at Max's blessing....where Russ said in the blessing something about Max "being a good example to Jackson and to other siblings that are to come..." (he hates being reminded of this, especially since he claims we are done having kids!) Sooooo...even though we are both in denial, more children must need to come to this earth and be a part of our family! (no, we're not making any announcements!)
10. We have lived in Las Vegas now for over four years...and as much as I thought I would never say this...I can now call this home. And I really don't have a huge desire to move any time soon, like I used to. I still get homesick for the mountains and the green grass, and the huge lawns, and all the beauty that Utah has to offer, but I'm also completely content and happy with where we're at in our lives. We have not only been blessed with wonderful family, but also with wonderful friends that we have made our family down here...we are very blessed!



That was fun to read! I am proud to say that I think I knew all of those things except for the eating treats in bed! Your a great friend and I miss you!!!!

Me said...

That was very fast, great information about you and your family. Funny story, a couple of days ago before you posted this, I took ice cream up to bed and ate it. It was yummy.


janet said...

Hey! Fun to come across your blog! Love the random facts. And yes--babies CAN come when you are doing everything to keep them from coming... Love that you eat treats in bed with your husband AFTER your kids have gone to bed. If they only knew!

And your boys are SO darling. Max is really growing up and saying so much! So glad we're neighbors (for a little while longer!)

Merry Christmas!

ps. our blog is