I could kick myself for not keeping up on blogging, if not for any other reason than to remember the FUNNY things that my kids say. This post is all about Max and the things that he has said over the last few months...he is hilarious and keeps us all laughing all the time!
**For some reason, I decided this pregnancy would be more fun if we didn't find out the sex of the baby, which I'm still convincing myself that it really is a good idea! Anyway, for the first ultrasound that they sent pictures home with me, my boys were not with me. So I took the pictures home, and was so excited to tell them all about the baby's features and different body parts. So I was showing them the baby's head, the arms, the legs, etc. I kind of expected one of them to say they couldn't see what I was showing them, but instead I got something totally different. Max took the pictures from me, and said quiety to Jackson, "Brother, why is our baby black? How come he has black skin?" I wanted to DIE. I laughed so hard, I was crying, because he wasn't worried about seeing the baby's different body parts, he was VERY concerned about how our baby was a different color! It was hard to explain that ultrasound pictures are ONLY black and white!
**Max: "Mom, I love the boat so much that I want to marry it! But I want to marry it in the temple!"
**We had been working with the boys on saying their prayers on their own. Jackson says the sweetest prayers, and we still have to help Max a little bit. So we usually prompt Max by saying things like "We are thankful for..." or "We ask thee to bless..." and then he will finish our sentences. One night, we had a very "proud" parent moment when we started him off by saying, "We are thankful for..." and he finishes our sentence with "SATAN." So we learned that night that we are thankful for Satan, because we wouldn't know the good from the evil if we weren't.
**Recently Russ was getting ready to take the boys out on the boat, and had asked Max if he wanted to go, to which he replied, "Um, let me think about that Dad." Then that same day, they were slowly going out to ski, when Max said to Russ, "Dad, once you pass those BOOBIES (meaning booies) can't you go fast?"
**We were at my parents ward one weekend, and were sitting in sacrament meeting, and the poor boy blessing the bread had to say the prayer over and over and over. It was probably 5 times for this poor boy, and we were feeling so bad for him. But not Max. After the final time of saying it, he exclaims loudly, "I HATE when they say the prayer SO many times!"
Oh, how I have missed your posts! I love your boys!
Haha, I don't think I ever stop laughing when max is around!!! It's so nice to hear from you on here again.
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